As the American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) starts the new year, I’d like to share our 2022 year in review and goals for early 2023.
Over the years, we have learned that for policymakers to create policies that reflect the strengths and realities of youth who experience systemic inequities and to achieve the positive outcomes that policymakers seek and young people deserve – including and especially the goals young people have for themselves – the lived experience of youth must be at the center of the policy process.
In that spirit, this past year we have:
- Continued to create spaces for young people to meaningfully engage with policymakers on policy issues that impact them the most — in the form of Youth Policy Consultants and Youth Council programs
- Fulfilled our longstanding role of keeping our network informed about youth issues (see below)
- Further strengthened our partnerships throughout the youth development sector.
And, in the months ahead, we look forward to:
- Working with young people and partner organizations on building an advocacy agenda and movement to ensure young people are included in meaningful, substantive opportunities to be heard and valued as part of federal policymaking
- Continuing to engage with organizations to facilitate focus groups of young people who provide input on youth policy issues
- Continuing to offer high-quality professional development for those in our network who work on behalf of youth in their communities and throughout the country
- Continuing to partner with those who champion youth, particularly those marginalized by systemic inequities.
AYPF’s Recent Offerings

AYPF’s Kameryn Point (right) with a group of AYPF Youth Policy Consultants in D.C. for the AYPF Capitol Hill Forum, Oct. 2022.
Please visit the Past Events section of our website for video, overviews, and other resources from our 2022 events, which were held on these intriguing topics:
- Credible messenger mentoring
- Youth engagement in federal policymaking
- School-to-prison pipeline
- Youth employment
- College access and success
- Equity issues addressed throughout all events
In addition, you may be interested in checking out our other blogs. These quick reads—written by AYPF staff and me—give well-researched snapshots into a variety of issues affecting youth throughout the country. This past year, we covered these timely topics:
- Importance of youth voice
- Youth mental health
- Trauma-responsive educational practices
- Access to higher education for homeless and foster youth
- Challenges for Native youth in education systems
Additional Resources
In 2022, we also were proud to release an insightful, 6-episode podcast on credible messengers—led by a group of our Youth Policy Consultants—as well as publish an information hub on school discipline disparities.
Newsletter & Social Media
We invite you to stay updated on youth issues and our upcoming events, blogs, and other resources by signing up to receive our E-Bulletin and by following us on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.
Thank you for your support as we have worked to inform a national audience of policymakers and practitioners, and we look forward to engaging, supporting, and partnering with you in the months ahead!