System Strategies and Approaches

Ensuring that all young people achieve education and workforce success requires comprehensive, sustained, and coordinated strategies that address societal inequities. Youth serving systems and providers must develop these strategies with the needs and experiences of youth in mind. To obtain a more comprehensive view of system strategies and approaches please see below:

Issue Areas

Accountability systems are a mechanism for ensuring that all students receive quality educational services, by identifying which educational institutions are supporting students so that they succeed, and which educational institutions need work. Accountability can provide a process for how resources, attention, and support are allocated for continuous institutional and systemic improvement.

Alternative Education refers to educational settings that are nontraditional or different from the traditional K-12 school setting. These schools address the needs of students not typically met in a more traditional educational setting.

Career Pathways refers to a series of structured and connected programs, supports, and experiences that help students transition to postsecondary education and work, including: career and technical education (CTE), apprenticeships, internships, dual and concurrent enrollment, and work-based learning.

Data Management refers to the ability of youth-serving systems and programs to collect and share data. Collecting and sharing data is essential in assessing the needs within a program, locality, or state and understanding the impact and effectiveness of interventions.

As a result of certain barriers or challenges, young people may not be engaged in school or work. Reengagement refers to those measures that provide support to young people as they complete a secondary credential and/or enter the workforce.

Youth Leadership and Voice refers to the ideas, knowledge, opinions and access to the platforms that are necessary for youth to exercise their right to speak out about issues and policies that directly or indirectly affect them.

Wraparound supports refers to those services that help youth facing challenges become self-sufficient and thrive. These might include: education and workforce training, vocational rehabilitation, health and mental health services, food, housing, transportation, childcare, mentoring, and counseling. It is critical to coordinate these services and supports across systems, customizing them for each youth. Young people also need to be consistently supported by a caring, competent adult to help them navigate programs and services.

Resource Highlights


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